Founded in 2019 French United Capital is a private investment company that invests in worldwide equities that focus on significant upside return without the associated downside risk.

French United Capital’s flexible investment options allow for customers from all backgrounds to begin a financial journey knowing that each individual client’s need will be met with equal respect and integrity.
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 At French United Capital we operate as a no nonsense quants house. Everything we do is backed extensively in mathematical formula.

Using financial econometrics as a backbone we have re-worked techniques developed by Golman Sachs in the 1980s, modernising them for use in the globalised financial landscape we see today.
Our small but ever expanding team have not only impressive academic records but real world experience. All staff are implicity trusted and understand that the client is always the first priority. We have multi national staff from a diverse range of backgrounds working as one. We have created a blend of exceptional analysts and talented wealth managers with the same vision, to create an investment firm that is value for clients with a sustainable edge. 
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